Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year 2009!!!

New Year Myspace Comments
Hi everyone, from all my heart I wish my blog readers a Happy New Year 2009. I wish that the New Year will bring happiness in your family and that all your dreams come true.

My resolution of year 2009 are :
1) Starting a new semester, i want study hard, study smart, complete my graduation
2) Try to exercise more
3) To be more thoughtful about my self, love, life, and peace

most of all, my biggest wishes is to build a nice, peace and happy with my dear and family!

Love for you all!



詞、曲:Toshiko EZAKI 演唱:中孝介

紛紛綻放的花朵香氣 令人想起遠方的妳


i-tsu-ka-wa-ki-bou-no-you-ga-te-ra-su-de-syou ‘
未來 希望之光也會照耀我們吧

我們踏上各自的 各自抉擇的道路


直到重逢時 黄昏


移轉的霞紅天空 令人想起遙遠的過去



我們踏上各自的 各自抉擇的道路



あの日交わした約束 僕らが描いてた
a-no-hi-ka-wa-si-ta-ya-ku-so-ku bo-ku-ra-ga-e-ga-i-te-ta
當初許下的約定 是我們心中描繪的 未来


我們踏上各自的 各自抉擇的道路






Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Santa Claus's Letter

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Christmas was coming. Jamie and Ted had already begun to write long letters to Santa Claus. But one thing was rather queer: both boys asked him for the same things.

Each little letter ended with - "Just like Brother's."

They agreed to ask for only one sled. They would rather ride together. Now was not this very sweet and loving?

One night, after they had gone to bed, Jamie said, "Ted, if Santa Claus brings us skates, Jim can teach us how to use them."

"Oh, yes; and if we get fur mittens it will be such fun to make a fort."

"And a snowman," Jamie answered.

Ted went oh: "I'll always ride the sled down a hill, and you can ride it up."

"I guess you won't," Jamie said, speaking loudly.

"Why not?" Ted asked.

"Because it'll be as much my sled as yours."

"Yes, of course," Ted replied; "but I chose it first."

"You are a selfish boy!" said Jamie.

"Well, then, so are you!"

"I don't care. I won't sleep with you. I'll ask mamma if I can't have the first pick; I'm the biggest," roared Jamie, bounding out of bed.

"You're a big, cross cry baby," Ted shouted, jumping out after his brother.

Away ran Jamie to mamma, with Ted at his heels. Both were angry. Both talked at once.

Mamma was grieved. Her dear little boys had never been so unkind to each other before. She kissed their hot faces and stroked their pretty hair. She told them how their naughty words hurt her. She showed them how displeased God was to see two little brothers quarrel.

That night they went to sleep in each other's arms, full of love and forgiveness.

Christmas morning came at last. Very early the boys crept out of bed, just to "feel" their stockings.

Papa heard them, and, remembering that he was once a boy lighted the gas.

Each little red stocking was full from toe to top. Boxes and paper parcels were piled around them. Such shouting! Such a good time! It seemed as if all their letters had been answered.

Suddenly Jamie cried, "O Ted, here's a letter!"

They put their little heads together, and with papa's help spelled this out:

"My dear Boys,—No sled this year. It quarrelled so I was afraid to bring it. I dropped it off the load about a week ago. Get ready for it next year. Merry Christmas! " SANTA CLAUS

Monday, December 22, 2008

I want a guy..

Who would move the hair away from my eyes and then kiss me

Someone who would think I was beautiful no matter what

Someone who would sing me songs when I was sad to make me smile

Someone who would let me sleep on their chest

Someone who would let me cry on their shoulder even if i left mascara stains:)

Someone who is romantic even if it can be cheesy - but in a good way

Someone who knows the right things to say and do at the right times

I want someone who would call me everyday if he went away

We would make a game of rating eachothers kisses

He would always pretend I was right even if he knew I was wrong

He would throw stuffed animals at me for fun and then dog pile on me and kiss me a million times

We would make bets and whoever won got 20 kisses

Someone who would give me piggy back rides when i was tired

And someone who would make fun of me just to make me laugh

He would always put his hands around my waist like he would never wanna let go

Someone who would let me fall asleep on their shoulder

And we'd make out in the pouring rain

He would never be afraid to say ' i love you ' in front of his friends

I want a boy who would count stars with me

I want someone who would eat popcorn and watch movies together under the same blanket

Someone who would tell me Im beautiful

Someone who would look me in the eye and tell me something serious that was also funny and make me promise not to laugh

Someone who would make me laugh like no one else could

I want someone who would be my best friend and would never lie to me or break my heart...

Laki-laki Sejati Bukanlah…

  • Laki-laki sejati bukanlah dilihat dari bahunya yang kekar, tetapi dari kasih sayangnya pada orang disekitarnya….
  • Laki-laki sejati bukanlah dilihat dari suaranya yang lantang, tetapi dari kelembutannya mengatakan kebenaran…..
  • Laki-laki sejati bukanlah dilihat dari jumlah sahabat di sekitarnya, tetapi dari sikap bersahabatnya pada generasi muda bangsa…
  • Laki-laki sejati bukanlah dilihat dari bagaimana dia di hormati ditempat bekerja, tetapi bagaimana dia dihormati didalam rumah
  • Laki-laki sejati bukanlah dilihat dari kerasnya pukulan, tetapi dari sikap bijaknya memahami persoalan…
  • Laki-laki sejati bukanlah dilihat dari dadanya yang bidang, tetapi dari hati yang ada dibalik itu
  • Laki-laki sejati bukanlah dilihat dari banyaknya wanita yang memuja, tetapi komitmennya terhadap wanita yang dicintainya…
  • Laki-laki sejati bukanlah dilihat dari jumlah barbel yang dibebankan, tetapi dari tabahnya dia menghadapi lika-liku kehidupan
  • Laki-laki sejati bukanlah dilihat dari kerasnya membaca kitab suci, tetapi dari konsistennya dia menjalankan apa yang ia baca…


爱是值得喜欢就是喜欢,很简单。爱 是爱,很复杂喜欢你,却不一定爱你。 你,就一定很喜欢你其实,喜欢和爱仅一 步之遥。但,想要迈这一步就看你是喜欢 这一步。 

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tang Yuan

Tang Yuan (汤圆) is a traditional Chinese food made with glutinous rice flour and is normally eaten during Winter Solstice Festival (冬至; Dong Zhi) on (or around) Dec 22 and some other special occasions.
Tang Yuan has evolved into a common delicacy these days with great varieties… including the traditional plain Tang Yuan, Tang Yuan with stuffing (sesame seeds, red beans etc.) and Tang Yuan with flavours added to the flour. It is traditionally eaten to mark the beginning of the winter solstice and also on the 15th day of the 1st Chinese lunar month. While many legends surround the Tang Yuan, in Malaysia it has come to symbolise family unity, completeness and happiness, which is why it is also commonly served during auspicious occasions.

Traditional Tang Yuan made by my mum and me.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

7 Kesilapan Lazim Dalam Mengurus Wang

JIKA anda bercadang mengukuhkan kedudukan kewangan, anda mesti mengenal pasti terlebih dulu kesilapan pengurusan kewangan yang lazim dilakukan supaya anda dapat belajar daripadanya.

Gagal Merancang
Alasan yang selalu diberikan oleh mereka yang tidak merancang kewangan ialah "Saya sibuk dengan kerja dan keluarga hingga tidak sempat untuk menguruskan kewangan saya". Sebenarnya, walaupun anda hanya tergolong dalam golongan berpendapatan sederhana, tabiat `merancang kewangan' akan membolehkan anda menjadi seorang berjaya mengumpul kekayaan di kemudian hari kelak.

Berbelanja Melebihi Kemampuan
Dewasa ini, kita sering berbelanja melebihi kemampuan akibat desakan rakan dan juga iklan di sekeliling kita. Ramai yang sanggup menghabiskan wang semata-mata untuk mengikut arus peredaran masa dan tidak mahu dianggap ketinggalan zaman. Akibatnya, ramai yang hanya mempunyai baki yang amat sedikit dalam akaun bank di hujung bulan selepas ditolak bayaran pelbagai pinjaman, kad kredit, bil dan sebagainya.

Berbelanja Menggunakan Kad Kredit
Tabiat beli dulu dan bayar kemudian adalah perkara biasa dewasa ini. Hampir setiap orang mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya satu kad kredit. Malah, ramai yang memiliki lebih daripada satu kad. Dengan bayaran minimum setiap bulan, ramai yang akan berpotensi untuk terus berbelanja. Mereka tersalah anggap mengenai bayaran minimum terbabit, dan tidak menyedari bahawa lama kelamaan ia akan menjadi hutang yang menggunung di kemudian hari. Jika tersilap langkah, tidak mustahil anda juga boleh menjadi muflis akibat tabiat sedemikian. Justeru, pastikan anda menggunakan kad kredit secara berhemat.

Lewat Menabung Untuk Hari Tua
Untuk memulakan persaraan, kita mesti memastikan yang kita mempunyai wang mencukupi bagi menampung gaya hidup yang diinginkan selepas bersara. Bagaimanapun, masih ramai terutama mereka yang sudah hampir bersara, masih bergelut untuk mencapai jumlah simpanan diperlukan. Sepatutnya, setiap kali gaji naik, simpanan kita turut naik. Sebaliknya, apa yang berlaku adalah setiap kali gaji naik, perbelanjaan pula yang bertambah.

Melabur dalam Produk yang Tidak Bersesuaian
Terdapat pelbagai produk pelaburan di pasaran. Untuk memastikan kita melabur dalam produk pelaburan yang menepati profil risiko dan ganjaran yang diinginkan, kita memerlukan ilmu pengetahuan mengenai selok-belok pelaburan. Justeru, pastikan anda meneliti ciri sesuatu produk pelaburan berkenaan dan mengkaji kumpulan pengurusannya sebelum melabur.

Tidak Menabung untuk Waktu Kecemasan
Sesetengah orang beranggapan yang membeli insurans adalah perbuatan membazir wang. Tetapi tahukah anda bahawa tanpa insurans, kedudukan kewangan kita akan tergugat terutama jika kita hilang pendapatan/pekerjaan. Tanpa insurans atau wang simpanan, seluruh keluarga akan merana dan ketika itu juga agak terlambat untuk memikirkan bagaimana ingin mencari sumber pendapatan yang lain dengan kadar segera.

Terlampau Memikirkan Pasal Wang
Dalam usaha memupuk tabiat merancang kewangan, janganlah pula terlampau taksub mengumpul kekayaan sehingga lupa akan perkara lain yang amat bermakna dalam hidup kita seperti keluarga, kesihatan, kepuasan berkarier serta rakan dan taulan.

Akhir sekali, kita perlu sentiasa mengingatkan diri mengenai kepentingan merancang kewangan. Jika kita tidak bersungguh-sungguh dalam membina kekayaan dan menguruskan kewangan, besar kemungkinan kekayaan tidak akan berpihak kepada kita.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Christmas Fairy

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It was getting very near to Christmas time, and all the boys at Miss Ware's school were talking about going home for the holidays.
"I shall go to the Christmas festival," said Bertie Fellows," and my mother will have a party, and my Aunt will give another. Oh! I shall have a splendid time at home."
"My Uncle Bob is going to give me a pair of skates," remarked Harry Wadham.
"My father is going to give me a bicycle," put in George Alderson.
"Will you bring it back to school with you?" asked Harry.
"Oh! yes, if Miss Ware doesn't say no."
"Well, Tom," cried Bertie, "where are you going to spend your holidays?"
"I am going to stay here," answered Tom in a very forlorn voice.
"Here - at school - oh, dear! Why can't you go home?"
"I can't go home to India," answered Tom.
"Nobody said you could. But haven't you any relatives anywhere?"
Tom shook his head. "Only in India," he said sadly.
"Poor fellow! That's hard luck for you. I'll tell you what it is, boys, if I couldn't go home for the holidays, especially at Christmas--I think I would just sit down and die."
"Oh, no, you wouldn't," said Tom. "You would get ever so homesick, but you wouldn't die. You would just get through somehow, and hope something would happen before next year, or that some kind fairy would--"
"There are no fairies nowadays," said Bertie.
"See here, Tom, I'll write and ask my mother to invite you to go home with me for the holidays."
"Will you really?"
"Yes, I will. And if she says yes, we shall have such a splendid time. We live in London, you know, and have lots of parties and fun."
"Perhaps she will say no?" suggested poor little Tom.
"My mother isn't the kind that says no," Bertie declared loudly.
In a few days' time a letter arrived from Bertie's mother. The boy opened it eagerly. It said:
My own dear Bertie:
I am very sorry to tell you that little Alice is ill with scarlet fever. And so you cannot come for your holidays. I would have been glad to have you bring your little friend with you if all had been well here.
Your father and I have decided that the best thing that you can do is to stay at Miss Ware's. We shall send your Christmas present to you as well as we can.
It will not be like coming home, but I am sure you will try to be happy, and make me feel that you are helping me in this sad time.
Dear little Alice is very ill, very ill indeed. Tell Tom that I am sending you a box for both of you, with two of everything. And tell him that it makes me so much happier to know that you will not be alone.
Your own mother.
When Bertie Fellows received this letter, which ended all his Christmas hopes and joys, he hid his face upon his desk and sobbed aloud. The lonely boy from India, who sat next to him, tried to comfort his friend in every way he could think of. He patted his shoulder and whispered many kind words to him.
At last Bertie put the letter into Tom's hands. "Read it," he sobbed.
So then Tom understood the cause of Bertie's grief. "Don't fret over it," he said at last. "It might be worse. Why, your father and mother might be thousands of miles away, like mine are. When Alice is better, you will be able to go home. And it will help your mother if she thinks you are almost as happy as if you could go now."
Soon Miss Ware came to tell Bertie how sorry she was for him.
"After all," said she, smiling down on the two boys, "it is an ill wind that blows nobody good. Poor Tom has been expecting to spend his holidays alone, and now he will have a friend with him--Try to look on the bright side, Bertie, and to remember how much worse it would have been if there had been no boy to stay with you."
"I can't help being disappointed, Miss Ware," said Bertie, his eyes filling with tears.
"No; you would be a strange boy if you were not. But I want you to try to think of your poor mother, and write her as cheerfully as you can."
"Yes," answered Bertie; but his heart was too full to say more.
The last day of the term came, and one by one, or two by two, the boys went away, until only Bertie and Tom were left in the great house. It had never seemed so large to either of them before.
"It's miserable," groaned poor Bertie, as they strolled into the schoolroom. "Just think if we were on our way home now--how different."
"Just think if I had been left here by myself," said Tom.
"Yes," said Bertie, "but you know when one wants to go home he never thinks of the boys that have no home to go to."
The evening passed, and the two boys went to bed. They told stories to each other for a long time before they could go to sleep. That night they dreamed of their homes, and felt very lonely. Yet each tried to be brave, and so another day began.
This was the day before Christmas. Quite early in the morning came the great box of which Bertie's mother had spoken in her letter. Then, just as dinner had come to an end, there was a peal of the bell, and a voice was heard asking for Tom Egerton.
Tom sprang to his feet, and flew to greet a tall, handsome lady, crying, "Aunt Laura! Aunt Laura!"
And Laura explained that she and her husband had arrived in London only the day before. "I was so afraid, Tom," she said, "that we should not get here until Christmas Day was over and that you would be disappointed. So I would not let your mother write you that we were on our way home. You must get your things packed up at once, and go back with me to London. Then uncle and I will give you a splendid time."
For a minute or two Tom's face shone with delight. Then he caught sight of Bertie and turned to his aunt.
"Dear Aunt Laura," he said, "I am very sorry, but I can't go."
"Can't go? and why not?"
"Because I can't go and leave Bertie here all alone," he said stoutly. "When I was going to be alone he wrote and asked his mother to let me go home with him. She could not have either of us because Bertie's sister has scarlet fever. He has to stay here, and he has never been away from home at Christmas time before, and I can't go away and leave him by himself, Aunt Laura."
For a minute Aunt Laura looked at the boy as if she could not believe him. Then she caught him in her arms and kissed him.
"You dear little boy, you shall not leave him. You shall bring him along, and we shall all enjoy ourselves together. Bertie, my boy, you are not very old yet, but I am going to teach you a lesson as well as I can. It is that kindness is never wasted in this world."
And so Bertie and Tom found that there was such a thing as a fairy after all.

by John Strange Winter

Monday, December 15, 2008

My Langkawi Trip

The trip started out at Kuala Perlis Jetty, and managed to get the cheap Rm18 ticket. Here’s one of the our Kuala Perlis Jetty picture. Look at our smile - cute.

The ferry took exactly 5omins to arrive Kuah Jetty. Checked into our Langkasuka Beach Resort which is located near Padang Matsirat. The room was nice but it could be better maintained. The 1st day we visited Langkawi Underwater World and shopping activity even though there's not much to shop with me.

Day 2: we woke-up early , our langkawi friends pick us up at 9:00am and followed them to the jetty at Kilim river to board our boat. Our boatman then steered us into the Bat Cave which was quite like a tunnel. We were very excited to find many bats hanging upside down above us.

Further up the river we arrived at a fish farm. The farms were actually nets that go deep in the water. We were promptly given a tour for a farm staff. The first net we stopped at had stingrays that we were told we could feed. We were given a small fish and told to hold it above the water and all of a sudden, a stingray practically jumped out of the water for the fish! Whoa! I had no idea stingrays could do that!

Then, our boat proceeded up to the river mouth before taking us out to sea. It was beautiful here where we could see the smaller islands that surrounds Langkawi. After that, we stopped at a spot to watch brown and white Brahminy eagles circling overhead before gracefully swooping down to feed on the chicken parts thrown by the boatman. These regal birds are a joy to watch. On the way back, the boatman gave us the roti and fish feeding. And the last, we were swimming near one of the small island. After swimming, we were going back the Langkasuka Beach Resort take a rest. A few hours with our discussed, we decided to the Kompleks Kraf Langkawi, Gallary Perdana and Dataran Helang.

Day 3:After checked up, we visited the Mat Cincang Mountain by cable car. Once in, the cable-car ascends; we were began to notice the temperature dropping and a windy breeze begin flowing into the cabin through ventilation slits at the top. As it gets cooler, the landscape below begins to appear smaller, and at after climbing at a 42° angle for a few hundred feet, we started snapping pictures of the rainforest below. Look out at the side for a view of the Telaga Tujuh Waterfalls, which cascades down a grey rock face. This was our great adventure experience at Mat Cincang Mountain.

I reached UUM about 5.00pm.

Daisy, Daisy

My father gave me "Daisy" as my name. I asked why. He said when he was young, one of his teacher taught him this daisy song. He promised when he had a daughter. She must name as Daisy ^_^
Daisy, Daisy
Give me your answer do
I'm half crazy all for the love of you
It won't be a stylish marriage
I can't afford a carriage
But you look sweet
Upon a seat
Of a bicycle built for two