17 June was my 25th birthday. Early morning i went to office. I helped Pn Nora send e-mail to puchaser at UK. I uploaded many brochure to him and wait the uploading. At the same time, i found some articals about property because is my boss gave me the first tasks. Unfortunately, one of the lady staff scold me because use the PC long time. She also scold me read the newpapers at office in office hours. But she don't know actually what i am doing. I hate her. I stopped my uploading. I let her used it first. I hate why this office just some PC can online. My table was no PC is ok. But i don't understand why just some pc can online. I saw this staff lady just viewed her forum and selled the "manik-manik" for baju kebaya/ baju kurung at that forum. She not do her office job. She do her other job. I hate her very much scold me in front other staff. Stupid!!!
In 4.00pm I went to Star Parade at Alor Setar to promote DRSB houses in exhibition. I am tired my job from 9am-10pm. I decided back to my brother home at Jitra. I can't went Changlun home because i am too tired and too late.
I am reached brother home around 10.30pm. I am so suprised my brother and sister in law bought a cake to me. I am happy. I opened it. It's blueberry cheese cake. Wahhh.. I like cheese. Thanks for my dear brother and sister in law cheese cake. And thanks to my two nephews mug as my present.

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